DIY Cellphone Case


A woman’s cell phone case should offer beauty, protection, and a peak into her personal style. Those things are easy to find if you have an iPhone! I have a Droid, and while I love my phone and all of it’s functions, however there are no fabulous cases on the market for it!

So, what’s a girl to do??? Find a basic one and make it fabulous!

You can do anything from gluing rhinestones and broken jewelry with E6000 glue (best for this type of job) to using ModPodge and layering fabric or paper on it to create a backdrop for the rest of your design. And if it is made by you, then it will surely be beautiful and unique!


Mod Podge (apply this with a a foam paint brush)

E6000 glue (apply this with a popsicle stick, or a wooden skewer)

craft tweezers ( so that you can easily pick up small objects)

broken jewelry, rhinestones, a pendant, paper, fabric (or anything else under the sun that you want to use)

your creativity!

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